I always try to keep things positive around here, but sometimes a girl’s gotta vent, right??! There are some things about cheer that just ain’t right, and I’m spilling the tea on 10 things I hate about cheer. I can’t believe how long I rambled about this!
Love this podcast! Thanks for sharing! From a new cheer mom with so much to learn your podcast really help! Thank You!
Totally agree that scoring is hugely subjective, I hate that too. But comparing cheer to football seems like apples to oranges. Football is literally a game, which always has crystal clear rules. Cheer is a judged performance, more like gymnastics, ice skating, etc. I don’t really watch/follow those, but I’d think they have the same issues with subjectivity in scoring. Likewise, having only a very short time (2.5 mins) on stage to perform is also like other performance sports, rather than game sports. Again, I hate that too, but it’s not just cheer.