Cheer uniforms are not cheap. Can I get an amen?
I mean, my daughter has had uniforms that cost more than my WEDDING DRESS. Clearly, I didn’t have the budget of a family on Say Yes to the Dress. Seriously though, cheer uniforms are a significant investment that lasts two years and end up as a Halloween costume. Again…how about that “amen?”
So, how do you keep that investment clean? Here are my best tips:
Always follow the instructions on the label!
The company that makes the uniform may offer exchanges if the uniform gets damaged, but not when there’s evidence that the care instructions haven’t been followed.
Don’t wash after every use
It sounds a little gross, I know. Try spot-treating instead. Use a baking soda paste made with equal parts water and baking soda on the “smelly” parts.
Spot-Treat Marks and Stains
Mix equal parts Dawn dish soap, baking soda, and water. Apply to the spot with a color-safe washcloth and allow to air dry. Make sure you test a hidden spot of the uniform before trying this tip!

For smelly shoes
If hell had a smell, I think it would smell like a cheerleader’s shoes.
Try putting dry tea bags in their shoes overnight. I’ve also heard that sneaker balls really work.
For all odors
Make a simple spray using essential oils:
1/2 cup water
5 drops lemon essential oil
2 drops lavender essential oil
Use a gentle detergent like Dreft
Always air dry any cheer wear when possible. It makes it last longer!
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