Truth time: I hate team fundraising.As an introvert, my palms sweat at the idea of passing around the signup sheet for that wrapping paper that no one really wants or needs. I will be the LAST person to sign up to stand in front of any grocery store to solicit people to buy pre-packaged goods for any cause. Our communities are absolutely inundated with fundraisers on every corner, and I just feel bad for adding to the noise.And let's not even get me started on those "fun" and "unique" fundraisers where everyone wants to buy the thing, but it's MY job to pick up the thing and arrange for delivery to all ten people who ... view the post
It's competition week and excitement is in the air...or maybe that's just the caffeine and nerves, but you definitely feel SOMETHING. In the midst of all that excitement, it can be hard to remember everything team moms need to do during competition week. Did Susie turn in her waiver? Do you have the schedule for the day? Did you pack the snacks that the superstitious cheerleaders need exactly 91 seconds before they do their routine? It can be a lot. As a cheer mom of 10 years and an experienced Team Mom, I've put together a list of everything to remember to do in the days leading up to the big day. Download ... view the post
For your convenience, I have included links to the products I use in this post. I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I would use myself! Not to sound dramatic, but cheerleaders put their lives in each others' hands. The work they do requires trust, collaboration, and good, old-fashioned team spirit. That does not happen overnight! It takes time to build that trust, and team bondings are crucial to a successful cheer team. Here are some fun and creative ways to get the team together for a little fun. TAKE A SELFIE ... view the post
One of my favorite things to do at cheer competitions is walking around and listen to the parents talking to their athletes. I laugh every time because cheer parenting is so universal that we're all saying so many things, exactly the same. Here are 10 of the most common things I hear cheer parents say (myself included). I paid all this money for cheer. The least you can do is give me a good picture. If cheer parents don't get a good photo, did it even happen? It's cute how the kids think they're doing their parents a favor by allowing them to take a picture or that they're entitled to say no. Um, that's not ... view the post