Cheer competitions can be overwhelming. I can tell you, as an introvert, that I am WAY overstimulated on competition days. There's so much going on: The bass-loaded music, the strobe lights, adults you don't know fixing your kid's lipstick, and the walking…so much walking. Then come the sitting and the waiting while they keep playing the bass-loaded music. There was a time when I thought if I never heard Taylor Swift's "I Knew You Were Trouble" again, it would be too soon. Even if it's a short, one-day competition, I always make time for a nap. I don't mean to scare you. Cheer competitions can be exciting. And ... view the post
Cheerleader Superstitions
I wouldn't exactly call myself a sports fanatic, but I do know that professional athletes have superstitions they follow religiously and without fail. In my experience, baseball is the most superstitious. They do crazy things like wear the same underwear for days at a time, or they don't shave during a winning streak. I heard about a player who wears a gold thong anytime he's struggling. Another player is rumored to pee on his hands (on purpose!) WHAT? While I've never heard of a cheerleader purposely peeing on his or her hands, I think that they would give those professional athletes a run for their ... view the post
Private Lessons: Are they worth it?
Private Lessons. What are they? Are they required? Are they worth it? Maybe you're thinking, "Say whaaaa? I'm already paying for practice three times a week, competitions, uniforms, and don't even get me started on all the money I spend on eating out since I have zero time to cook between all the cheer commitments. Now you want me to spend MORE time and money on private lessons?" ...or maybe that was just me when I first heard about private lessons. As we all know, cheer is a team sport. It requires all hands on deck, and when one person misses practice, everyone is affected. That's why all that practice is ... view the post
Pre-Practice Snacks Your Athlete Will Love
Far be it from me to say that I make snacks for my athlete before practice on any given day. Also, far be it from me to say that I make DINNER for my athlete on any given day. Meals at my house usually consist of whatever is in the fridge or freezer. It's every man for himself. BUT...I have noticed that my athlete feels way better when she's had some healthy protein in her body before practice, and especially with her being on two teams, the old reliable bag of Doritos just isn't going to cut it for her. I came up with some snacks that are not only easy to make, but snacks that my daughter actually really ... view the post