Cheer Competition Day can be stressful. Sometimes there are tears, sometimes there is a lot of screaming…and that’s just us parents!
I am a big advocate of having a “Team Mom” on every cheer team, to help parents and athletes stay calm and organized all day during competition events.
And every Team Mom should never leave home without a survival kit on Competition Day! Here are 3 non-negotiable things that every Team Mom should have with her on the big day:
For your convenience, I have included links to the products I use in this post. I get a small commission if you decide to make a purchase through my links, at no cost to you. I only recommend products I would use myself!
Obviously hairspray can solve so many of the world’s hair problems, but did you know it can also help remove stains?
For pinning back flyaways, fixing a broken hair piece, or even holding a ripped uniform together (God forbid…but I’ve seen it done!)
Because no matter what happens, music makes everything fun! (Psst – I’ve got a playlist for that, too!)
My favorite bag has been this backpack on wheels that you can buy on Amazon! You could even have something embroidered on the front…
[…] Have a “competition day survival kit” with everything you might need for your athletes on competition day. Check out this free checklist of items you may have never thought of! […]